Etsen als Rembrandt | Vrije Academie

Workshop en rondleiding Etsen als Rembrandt
Treed zelf in de voetsporen van de meester

Van leeuwen tot exotische schelpen en van bergachtige landschappen tot Italiaanse gebouwen. Rembrandt kwam nooit buiten Nederland maar toch zie je op zijn etsen veel van de wereld. Hoe deed hij dat? Kom hierachter door zelf te etsen als Rembrandt.

Rembrandt en de wereld

De Vrije Academie organiseert de workshop Etsen als Rembrandt bij de nieuwe tentoonstelling Rembrandt & de wereld. In de tentoonstelling zijn meer dan vijftig etsen uit de collectie van Museum Rembrandthuis te zien. Met deze etsen ontdek je hoe wereldwijs Rembrandt was. Op deze etsen zie je namelijk steeds iets buitenlands.

Handen uit de mouwen

Ga aan de slag met Rembrandts favoriete techniek: de droge naald techniek. Dit doe je onder begeleiding van een grafisch docent van Museum Rembrandthuis. Je sluit de workshop af met een rondleiding door de tentoonstelling in het museum.


10.00-13.00 uur – Workshop

13.00-14.00 uur – Pauze (en lopen naar Rembrandthuis als de workshop bij de Vrije Academie plaatsvindt)

14.00-15.00 uur – Rondleiding

Drawing in the exhibition

Draw Rembrandts shell

Typically Dutch – that’s how Rembrandt and his works of art are often seen. But make no mistake, a lot of the world can be seen in his etchings, like lions, shells, turbans, mountains and Italian buildings. In the exhibition Rembrandt & the world you will travel through over forty etchings by Rembrandt, all from the collection of the Rembrandt House Museum. Etchings which all show something non-Dutch. Discover how worldly (or insular) Rembrandt was. 

In the first room, you can go to work yourself. You will find some  exotic shells like Rembrandt has drawn, and drawing materials. And a few practical drawing instructions! Make a drawing of Rembrandt’s shell, or something else that reminds you of the big wide world.


Location: Third floor 
Period: June 15 to October 13, 2024 
Times: Daily, from 10am to 6pm 
Drawing materials: available in the room 
Price: free, after purchasing an entrance ticket to the museum.

Celebrate the Summer Holidays at Rembrandt’s Home

In the Summer Holidays, there is plenty to do at Rembrandt’s home! Go on the new multimedia tour with Rembrandt’s dog, Kwast. And paint and etch at Rembrandt’s home!

An adventure with Rembrandt’s dog Kwast

In the free Multimediatour, children together with their parents/guardians go on a quest through the museum to help Rembrandt create his greatest painting ever. They will be helped on this quest by Kwast, Rembrandt’s dog. Kwast is a bit of a naughty dog because actually he has to stay outside in the courtyard, but sometimes one of the maids lets him in and he can sniff around the house. An ideal tour guide and sleuth, then!

Times: daily during opening hours
Age: children aged 6 to 12, parents
Price: free, available at the audio desk


How did Rembrandt make his paint and etchings?

Ouderwetse manier van verf maken

There is a free painting or etching demonstration every day in the museum. In Rembrandt’s studio you will discover how he made his paint and what supplies he used for it – from poisonous lead and bright red lice, to scented linseed oil and even pig’s bladders! Get to work yourself: mix paint on the paint stone and create something beautiful on a canvas. In the etching attic you can see step by step how Rembrandt made his etchings. Extra special: one of his etchings shows Kwast! And everyone gets a print to take home.

Times: Between 10:30 AM and 3:30 PM
Reservations for the multimedia tour or demonstrations are not necessary.


Workshops ‘Etching at Rembrandt’s home’

Rembrandt is not only famous for his paintings and drawings, but also for his etchings. During the spring break, you can make your own etching in the Rembrandt House! In this workshop, you put your own spin on an etching from the museum’s collection. Experiment with Rembrandt’s drypoint technique and make a print in various colors. Finally, you print two prints on the large etching press, which you can take home with you afterwards.


Dates: (click here )
From 1:00 pm till 2:30 pm and from 3:00 pm till 4:30 pm
Age: The ‘Etching at Rembrandt’s home’ workshops are suitable for adults and children aged 6 and over.
Price: €7.50, excluding entrance ticket to the museum. Free with the Stadspas.

Reservations via: Museum Rembrandthuis – online tickets

Daily paint or etching demo’s

Rembrandt and his pupils made their own paints. But which pigments and oils did they use to do so? In the museum you can find out more about Rembrandt’s process of making paint in Rembrandt’s studio every other day between 11.00 and 15.00 hours. You can also learn more about Rembrandt’s etching techniques in our new etching loft. It’s like looking over the artist’s shoulder. Rembrandt made around 300 etchings and dry needles. Each one is a true work of art. He printed them in editions of ten to several dozen. He experimented with different techniques and with different types of paper. The etchings were much less expensive than the paintings and must have sold well. Our museum teachers will tell you about this technique in an interactive way every day.

Guided tours

Guided tour for individuals

On every Saturday and Sunday, you can sign up for a guided tour.

Museum entrance + guided tour ticket for an adult is 27.00 euros.
Museum entrance + guided tour ticket for a student is 17.50 euros

We offer our guided tours in English. Make a booking with guided tour here directly.


Guided tour for groups

Visit The Rembrandt House Museum in a group of up to 15 people, with a guided tour. Museum entrance tickets is 19.50 euros per person, with 1 accompanying person joining the group free of charge.

The supplement for a guided tour is 100 euro (incl. VAT). We offer guided tours in Dutch, English, German, French and Spanish. Make a group booking with guided tour here directly.

15 minutes of Rembrandt

From now on, you can start or end your lunch break every week with a 15 minutes of Rembrandt. Every Thursday between 13.00 and 13.15, specialists from Museum Rembrandt House will bring you closer to a painting or object in Rembrandt’s house that has a fascinating story behind it. Together you can dive deeper into Rembrandt’s world.

You do not need a separate ticket for 15 minutes of Rembrandt. You can join the conversation with your regular admission ticket.

Etching at Rembrandt’s home

Exhibition Rembrandt and the world

Typically Dutch – that’s how many people see Rembrandt and his work. Unlike many artists of his era, Rembrandt never travelled abroad. But make no mistake. A lot of the world is reflected in his etchings, from lions, exotic shells and turbans, to mountainous landscapes and Italian buildings.

The Rembrandt and the world exhibition will take you on a journey past more than forty of Rembrandt’s etching from the Rembrandt House Museum collection, etchings that always reveal something that is not typically Dutch. Discover where Rembrandt got his knowledge and inspiration, and how worldly-wise (or unworldly?) he really was. 


In Museum Rembrandthuis you can make your own etching during the summer holidays! In this workshop, give your own twist to an etching from the exhibition Rembrandt & the world. The museum teacher will teach you how you can easily recreate Rembrandt’s etchings with, for example, shells, lions, or his own self-portrait with turban and sword. Experiment with Rembrandt’s drypoint technique and print two prints on the large etching press. You can take these home afterwards.

Age: from 6 years onwards.
Language: Dutch and English
Period: 18 July to 13 October
Dates: Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays
Workshop duration: 1.5 hours
Location: workshop space De Vierde, Museum Rembrandthuis, Jodenbreestraat 4 1011 NK Amsterdam
Price: €7.50, excluding entrance ticket to the museum. Free with city pass

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